SMART BELT single facer

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The Smart Belt utilises a Teflon coated, high quality durable cloth belt to assure a long-lasting quality and resistance. It was chosen in preference to a more abrasive steel belt design as this can potentially damage the rolls.
The patented tracking system continuously and constantly tracks, aligns and tensions the belt with minimal and proportional movement.
Both the Smart Belt and Press, benefit from Fosber’s patented negative pressure system.
- Teflon coated cloth belt (not steel): durable quality
- Easy maintenance, access & fast belt replacement
- Continuous & belt tracking, alignment & tensioning system so the belt is constantly aligned & tensioned
Cassette, Cart & Corr Rolls
- Same technology used on the well established Fosber Smart SF
- Same negative pressure system technology successfully developed on the Edge SF- cleaner technology
- As the cassettes are fully interchangeable between both versions, this allows the possibility to configure the corrugator with one Smart Belt and one Smart
Heating & Conditioning of the Papers
- Integrated liner “WaterDeck” - designed according to Kohler patented technology (optional on medium side): Better heat transfer, less glue, less energy
- Compensating paper tension control system - for higher speed Smart Belt version